Friday, April 15, 2011

A Japanese dream come true

This incident actually happened quite a while ago, but I thought it worth blogging about since I have nothing else to blog about at present (not writing about drones yet). So the other day I went to the super market to get some stuff. And this was one of those big, fancy markets where all the foreigners come too. I'm standing in front of the chocolates rack and suddenly all these Asians come outta nowhere, like 7 or 8 of em. I almost swooned there and then (LOVE the far east). So anyway, they're standing in front of the racks, and I'm like "Uh excuse me" No response. "EXCUSE ME" NO RESPONSE. Then I say, "Sumimasen?" (excuse me in Japanese). ALL of them turned around to look at me with these wide eyes and shocked expressions. One minute nobody's paying any attention to me, next minute they're gaping at me. Instead of making small talk (THEY'RE ASIANS. HOW COULD I MISS OUT ON THAT OPPORTUNITY), I grabbed the chocolates I wanted and walked away, highly confused by their gaping. 

Such an ultimately spontaneous experience. I will never forget the sheer epicness of that encounter. Ever. Not even when I'm cruising through the sea of Japan on my private yacht.  

1 comment:

  1. LOL, if they were Japanese, I think I should have expected a better return salutation than gaping. :P

    Blasphemous Aesthete
