Tuesday, May 29, 2012

10% doctor

With a total of 10 semesters over 5 years, I figure one semester done should make me 10 percent of a doctor, right? Right.
After starting at university again I've realized I need lots of fancy quotes around me to excuse my recently acquired antisocial tendencies. Not to mention, they still haven't shown us any dead bodies. With all the deaths in Karachi, you'd think they'd be able to get their hands on a few cadavers for us, but no. Still not showing us the morbidness which med schools are famous for.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Hey all,
So after a hiatus of over a year I am back again to start adding inane details about my life to the already overcrowded world of the interwebz. But that's freedom, right?
 Moving on, why have I been away so long and what have I been doing? Mundane questions. Suffice it to say, I've changed from a multitude of incidents. And I like the new me.
Why am I back? Well, I've recently started reading a number of blogs and I've been toying with the idea of restarting my blog. The real pushing factor came from a class fellow's blog, which I unexpectedly stumbled across and which kind of fascinated me. So now, I is back.
What is happening now? I'm in med school, I'm having fun and I'm finding out I have hitherto unsuspected depths of depravity in my soul.
Who do I think will read this? I shall have to wait for the comments for that one.
Until then, bless ye who read this