Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Hey all,
So after a hiatus of over a year I am back again to start adding inane details about my life to the already overcrowded world of the interwebz. But that's freedom, right?
 Moving on, why have I been away so long and what have I been doing? Mundane questions. Suffice it to say, I've changed from a multitude of incidents. And I like the new me.
Why am I back? Well, I've recently started reading a number of blogs and I've been toying with the idea of restarting my blog. The real pushing factor came from a class fellow's blog, which I unexpectedly stumbled across and which kind of fascinated me. So now, I is back.
What is happening now? I'm in med school, I'm having fun and I'm finding out I have hitherto unsuspected depths of depravity in my soul.
Who do I think will read this? I shall have to wait for the comments for that one.
Until then, bless ye who read this